Sunday 8 September 2013

Initiate a web search directly from the Start menu Windows 7 Trick

Initiate a web search directly from the Start menu 

You need to manipulate the Windows 7 registry a bit in order to trigger an Internet search directly from the Start menu. To do this, click on ‘Start’ and type in ‘regedit’. Run the program and select the key ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer’ in the left pane of the editor. If the required key is not available, you can generate a new one by going to ‘Edit | New | Key’ and then ‘Edit | New | DWORD value (32 Bit)’ for the entry ‘Add Search Internet Link In Start Menu’. You can then double-click this entry to select it, then set the ‘Value’ to ‘1’ in the dialogue ‘Edit the DWORD value (32 Bit)’ and confirm with ‘OK’. Close the registry editor and start your system again. Now, if you search for a term in the Start menu, you will find the link ‘Search through the Internet’ in the list of results. This option opens your browser and searches for your term on the Internet using the default search engine.



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