Sunday 8 September 2013

How to Block website from Your System Router Setting

How to Block Website on Your System

In order to block a website on your given network, you can make use of the router’s internal features. You need to login to your router and specify the websites you want to block. You can also block multiple sites by barring certain keywords. For example, if you block ‘’, users will only be blocked out from that particular website. But if you block the keyword ‘torrent’, users will not be able to access any site that has the word or characters ‘torrent’ in it. In order to do so, login to your router with admin privileges and look for the filter section; it could be named ‘website filter’, ‘parental controls’ or something similar.This will differ from router to router.Enable the filtering and enter the keywords or URLs accordingly. You can also specify if you want the blocking to be applied to certain PCs (MAC or IP address-based filters) or applied within a time frame. This will also depend on the features of the router (if it has a built-in option). To disable it, you can simply go back and disable the filters when you need access. Certain routers also have profiles that can be saved and applied when needed.If you want to block URLs on a specific PC or laptop, you can do so by editing the ‘hosts’ file on that PC. The file is located in the folder ‘C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc’. Open the hosts file using Notepad. Now,for example, if you want to block the website ‘’, you need to add the line ‘’ at the end of the document. Ignore all the other lines that are already present in the file and save it.

Now, when the user tries to access the Facebook website, the browser will first access the 'hosts' file and try to find the website on the IP address ‘’,
which is the same PC, and the website will not be displayed. You can keep adding
multiple websites to the 'hosts' file
. However, do note that editing the 'hosts' file is not a foolproof method and it can be easily re-edited by the user to lift the ban. Another method is to use OpenDNS. ( to block websites.Using OpenDNS is simple, but can be complicated for a new user. I think the best option for you is to use the router’s blocking feature.



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